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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Drinking Water

The Florida Department of Health in Suwannee County, Environmental Health Section

Do You Have a Well? 

About 80% of Florida's residents are served by public water systems covered by the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts. The other 20% receive their water from "limited-use" public water systems and private wells. While all public water systems in Florida are required to perform routine testing to ensure that they meet state drinking water standards, private well owners are responsible for ensuring that their OWN well water is safe to drink.

Test Your Well Water Every Year - It's Simple and Inexpensive 

If you have a private well, the Department of Health strongly recommends that you test your water for bacteria at least once per year. Routine water testing is a simple and inexpensive measure you can take to ensure that your water supply is safe and to protect your family's health. The Florida Department of Health in Suwannee County can provide you with instructions on how to collect the water samples yourself and to have them tested.

Limited Use Public Water Systems 

The county health department implements the program for Limited Use Public Water Systems (public water systems which are not covered by the Safe Drinking Water Act), multi-family water systems, and private water systems.  Definitions for these systems and statutory authorization are found in Section 381.0062 of the Florida StatutesChapter 64E-8 of the Florida Administrative Code establishes the rules to implement the statutes.  It includes setback standards for private water systems, construction standards for multi-family water systems, and construction and operation standards for limited use public water systems.


Note:  The links below contain materials in the Portable Document Format (PDF). The free Adobe Reader (opens in new window) may be required to view these files.

Are You "Well" Aware?

What Should I Do If My Well Is Flooded?

Groundwater Basics

A Homeowner's Guide To Your Well